For notebooks full of information, indexing is a great way to find pages quickly and with ease.
For notebooks full of information, indexing is a great way to find pages quickly and with ease.
If you’re creating a book for a conference, a resource book or a workbook, you may find the addition of indexing tabs a benefit, especially as it allows you to quickly flick to different sections of the book, enabling easy access to the information you need to find. Aside from use in the immediate office environment, indexing tabs can also be useful for social books such as address and telephone books or notebooks.
Indexing tabs are produced by cutting each section out of the book. These can be done at a variety of different widths, as well as at lengths of your choice. It is also possible to include special shapes on your tabs, such as round corners, diagonal corners and holes cut into the pages. If you colour code various pages prior to cutting out the tabs the visual effect is even stronger, making the jump to different areas of the book simple.